OK so the girls have flown back to the States and our week of vacation is over and we have to work Monday through Friday like other working stiffs, how in the world are we going to maintain our run of continual excitement you ask. Well, aside from the obvious answer that we won't, let's just see.
When we arrived the first week was quite cool and rainy and lived up to the warnings that we had received that the West coast should be called the Wet coast and we would spend six months in a dreary rainstorm. Actually after that first week , the weather has been brillant, warm but not hot, sunny , dry and perfect for outdoor activities, unless of course you are a farmer or a blade of grass on the golf course, then you are begging for a return to the more normal rainfall. We are actually on water restrictions due to lack of rainfall. SO you can see, the golf course is quite dry, which has not prevented me from grabbing a quick 9 holes after work on a very playable links type course. Some of the first patients I saw in Westport suggested I join the local golf club and they were quite helpful it getting it set up. Though I am told it is a much more playable winter course, I have had fun on the few rounds I have played. But golf is not the biggest draw locally.
This past weekend had two days of horse races with Trotters from all over the South Island and quite a community event . The town has a large and beautiful race facility that is used only a few times a year. There were the races along with food and drink and lots of betting and a chance for the locals to get out and enjoy a beautiful day.
But there are other even less American events at work. Though there was a cricket tourney and a croquet event that we missed out one, We caught a few games of lawn bowling
which I was alerted to after seeing a particularly sinister knee sprain in one of the contestants in the emergency room. But of course there are also those events which we partake in the states, such as the triathalon, which I competed on with my city hybrid bike and my not ready for prime time running technique.
Happily, we have another three day weekend starting tomorrow and are off to the Marlborough wine region for a little wine tasting by bike tour and some nice gourmet meals in the wine country.
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