This was the first actual backpacking trip for Carolyn other than our snowshoe hut trip last winter, in many years. But New Zealand has this great Hut system and the Heaphy hut is brand new and like a castle.
This is Carolyn when we arrived at the Hut. It had bunks with Mattresses, 6 propane stoves, LED light that came on at night, a wood stove for heat and pre chopped wood. It is supplied by the Dept of Conservation via helicopter. It was very Plush, and with everything supplied, we had much lighter packs than we would on a tent self contained tripThe hut overlooked a beautiful river outlet into the Tasman Sea. One of the other trampers organized a giant Bonfire on the beach. Most of the other folks spending the night in the hut were bikers, as the Heaphy is open for mountain biking in the winter, It is a rugged 2 to 3 day trip across the mountains and those fat tire bikes would sure of been handy on the sandy segments by the beach the last en miles or so.
There were four cool suspension bridges on river crossings during the hike and I kept thinking how I could slash the cables after I crossed to watch all the Orcs chasing me fall into the Chasm below. But every time I look back it seemed I had lost them so I left the bridges standing, or suspending, for others to enjoy.
It was incredibly green and wet though we somehow were lucky enough to make the entire trip with only a bit of rain. When we got back to our car Sunday it immediately began to pour.